the built in stats/metrics are excellent
tagging system very straightforward and effective effel
the built in stats/metrics are excellent
tagging system very straightforward and effective effel
You can just use @tradervueapp to accomplish the same thing but with nicer interface, check ‘em out
I've tried them all multiple times and always came back to good old tradervue.
With Tradervue, review your trades with automatically generated price charts on multiple timeframes, from weekly down to 1-minute. Your buy/sell points are also marked for clarity.
United Traders
Master Your Trades with TraderVue!
Tradervue offers a comprehensive set of tools and features designed to help traders analyze their performance, manage risk, and refine their trading strategies.
chris valley
Tradervue. Works really nice and there’s different membership levels but right now I’m on the free version and is still great
Sammy G
Keeping a journal of your trades is MASSIVE. It helps to allow you to reflect on strategy, you can also adds notes and import your trades to have a detailed overview of your trading day. I currently use tradervueapp to journal. It's free, really smooth and allows live charts!
Why I love Tradervue, this is my hourly trading stats for this month. This tells me I lose the most money from lunch hour till PH. Why? Because around this time frame this when the volume is at its lowest and this is where most people (including me) boredom trade.
Love Tradervue, great instrument with a lot of advanced data. Much more fun than using those ugly home-made Excel spreadsheets!
Tradervue will show you the max amount you were down in a trade and the max amount you were up in the trade. I love seeing stuff like this.
Elaine Benes
Issac Rivera
First lessons from TraderVue, so much knowledge/statistics about myself, love it. Recommending them to everybody.
Joshua Hayes
Henrik R
With 20 years of trading experience, I I think one of the most important things for an options trader to do is keep up with the cumulative profit/loss in a trade that has had multiple rolls or other adjustments. Using Tradervue to extract the information from my brokers downloaded files makes it easy. I download the broker file, import it to Tradervue, then export the data for each symbol from Tradervue, into a Google spreadsheet, and into an Excel sheet. Since Excel can import live option pricing from Thinkorswim, I am able to be sure I am making decisions based on campaign cumulative instead of just current position. That is my primary use of Tradervue.
Tradervue has lots of features, helps me tracking my trades better in detail. It shows when/what/where my trades were good or bad. Also the statistics shows me how good my trades are in detail. There are a lot more features one can use, easy to handle and support is great. Because of that, I use it additionally to my journaling - Awesome product!
Tradervue has been a key element of my trading for 2+ years. Anyone can track critical statistics on their trading and find ways to improve their edge. The interface is easy to use and navigating the site is very easy. However, what I think makes Tradervue great --- the customer service. Nearly any issue or suggestion, their team is quick and willing to help. I have never had a bad experience or communication dealing with the team at Tradervue. Moreover, my favorite aspect of their team is that they always want to make their product better for any trader.
Vince L
A trading journal is an essential tool that a trader must-have. It allows you to tweak your trading system. Tradervue is an easy-to-use tool for tracking and analyzing your data.
Stocks Trading Club
Use the Daily Running P/L Graph to create a Daily P/L Candle. Just like the stocks, to see the maximum and minimum in one day. And also, see this in my Gross Daily (30, 60 and 90 days)
Marco G
Tradervue is the sole reviewing service available today respecting the standards that a professional trading journal should provide!
Tradervue is one of the easiest tools to cut through the noise of trading and figure out what actually works for you.
J Walmer
As a trader who wants to avoid treating the market like a casino, I rely on feedback with regard to my performance, trade by trade, day by day, and week by week. By tracking important metrics like profit/loss ratio, accuracy, and consistency, Tradervue provides me with the tools to help me hone in on my strengths and weaknesses as a trader. This allows me to keep my edge in ever-changing market conditions
Bill G
I cannot recommend Tradervue highly enough. I have been trading for a couple of years. During which time I have been advised/recommended to subscribe to many trading tool service providers; classes, charting, brokers, news, scanners. At times I was spending hundreds of dollars per month for these tools. At the start of 2021 I began a thorough review of the value add of these often costly "luggage" services providers/tools and terminated most ...with one exception...Tradervue. I have enjoyed a long career history performing data analysis before beginning active trading. Tradervue enables an unparalleled deep review of my active trading executions without a high data scrubbing overhead; it just works. Tradervue enables insights that have revealed many unseen opportunities for my trading improvement...all gathered from my thousands of trades. The support team is fantastically responsive. If you are considering journalling without this tool...please think again!
I've been using Tradervue for several years now and it has been an incredible tool that has helped me get funded at several prop firms. It's given me much more confidence to stick to my plan and process even when suffering through the inevitable drawdowns in trading. It's also helped me objectively identify key contextual environments where I know I do my best trading and as a result I know what days to press and what days to take it easy or just sit on my hands. Greg and the rest of the team have been fantastic with customer service and they have even incorporated some of my suggestions for features and stats. It is like anything though you get what you put into it, but Tradervue does make the analysis a lot easier. I'd highly recommend their service to anyone who is eager to put in the work that is needed to succeed in this very difficult endeavor.
Mike D
I have been trading stocks on a daily basis for about half a year. I initially kept a trading diary in Excel, however when I discovered this software I joined the Gold Plan and it saves me a lot of time and helps me a lot to review the trades I have made. Must note favorably the service indicated here that answers any question immediately.
In my career as a trader, Tradervue is my map for success.
Dino Trading
TradeVue for me is a very important tool to document my trades. I‘m trading US-Equities in short up to mid-term. I find the import function and the different views particularly impressiv. On the latter, especially the report-view with it‘s countless possibilities. Different templates can be created and in the gold subscription absolutely everthing is taken into account to adapt your trading so that possible mistakes could avoided in the furture. I‘m grateful for a free version that supports me sufficiently in my documentation. A brief comment on support. Excellent, fast and concise.
Tradervue has helped me analyze my trades quickly and find potential leaks and weaknesses in my strategy. For me as a fairly unexperienced trader, it has helped me a lot to become more profitable consistently. I especially like the simple upload capabilities and the reporting functionalities including all the filters that help you drill down further into your trades and analyze them accordingly.
Tradervue has been a significant change point in my trading journey, it keeps me honest and accountable in my trading. I work in Manufacturing and we employ a common sense approach to KPI's in that you can't improve what you don't measure, I think this mindset translates well to trading. Prior to using Tradervue I was doing a lot of guessing re my performance. I reset my account i.e. I "pay" myself quarterly, because of that it was hard to really know how I was performing based on account balance alone. Now I have a routine, every Sunday I import my trades, review the week (what worked, what didn't) and get mentally prepared for the following week of trading, this wouldn't be possible without Tradervue.
Providing me with an accurate picture of my real results on multiple levels and helping me to determine where I need to improve my strategy.
Kyle M
Tradervue has been invaluable as a developing trader to help discover and refine my edge. The trade tagging and analysis tools have allowed me to identify what trades work best for me far quicker than I could have on my own. Using this in conjunction with market analysis has greatly accelerated my development so I can focus on what works and eliminate the 'white noise' trades and make appreciable savings on my market tuition. Looking forward to learning to utilize Tradervue to continue to identify and build on my best ideas in the future!
Todd Palmer
The ability to track every trade and monitor your performance metrics is essential to becoming a successful trader. Tradervue puts this important data at your fingertips, giving you everything you need in a simple and customizable format. It has definitely helped me become a more consistent and profitable trader.
Trung Nguyen
My first impression was the platform really simple (good on P/L chart view, and static displays). Moreover, the best one I think it so quick to import data from variety of broker, (Plus instructions available beside ). Customer service is perfect, they will response to email on weekend
Omari Iton
As anew year to the site, I was having some trouble tailoring reports to get the information I needed. I decided to reach out customer support and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I received a response. The response was clear, concise and provided the exact information I needed to solve the problem! I'm very happy with the site and the responsive customer service ensured that I'll be a user for a long time.
Jobine Bernous
Tradervue is definitely - and without a doubt - the most useful trading subscription/product in existence. I cannot fathom how a trader can perform his or her duties without the use of Tradervue. Whether you are looking to find your strengths, your weaknesses, your best days, or your best instruments, Tradervue will show you every bit of information you will need in order to improve your profitability and understand your trading strategies in full depth and breadth. I cannot imagine my trading without Tradervue any longer, and I cannot begin to express the utility to be found and gained from it.
Luka Radovic
I am really pleased I came across Tradervue, which is proving to be a great additional tool to my trading analytics and really gives me an additional insight to my trading. By being able to tag all the different set ups, from intraday to daily indicators, separate trades from long and short trades, tracking my entries and exits, really gives me a much needed self reflection and help in achieving a more successful trading. I didn't take me long to get used to this great website and I still keep discovering new tools they have available.
Eric Gibson
It's absolutely essential to keep quality metrics for trading. Tradervue is awesome, and I've already learned so much from my short time using it. Plus, I love how simple the instructions are for uploading, as well as the explanations for ALL the different data points.
Michael D
Tradervue has helped my PnL curve really take off. I love the intraday running PnL charts which have helped me understand my trading style on a whole new level, as well as all the reports and detailed stats that come with it. The customer support is excellent and you can tell they really care about helping you. They say analyze your trades to become a better trader, well, Tradervue helps me do just that!
Sagar Roy Rajput
Hello! I'm retail trader who trades from my bedroom and I've been trading from more than 1 year now consistently and figuring things out by myself and learning here and there consistently. What I found most helpful is having the journal and tracking statistics on Tradervue everyday to get better understanding of my trading. Without understanding your statistics you never know what you are doing and what needs to improve and Tradervue is one of the best platform used by many professional legends out there and highly recommend to everyone who takes trading seriously and get deeper understanding of the trading.