Frequently Asked Questions

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What trading products are supported (e.g. equities, options, futures, forex)?

Equities, futures, options, and forex are supported in Tradervue; for more detail see Supported Trading Products.

Which brokers and/or clearing firms can I import data from?

Click here for the complete list of brokers, platforms, and clearing firms supported by Tradervue.

I imported some trade data, but it said "no trade executions were found to import." I know there are trades in there; why won't it import?

The most common reasons for this message are:

  • You might have selected the wrong broker on the import page; for example, if you're importing data from Lightspeed, but accidentally select Interactive Brokers from the broker list, you will see this message. Just go back in and try again, making sure you've selected the correct option.
  • Your data might include options or other asset types that are not (yet) supported for your broker.
  • Your data might include only futures that are not on our supported list. The importer will ignore any futures that are not on the list.
  • Your data might include only futures, but you have a free account. A silver or gold subscription is required for futures support.
I imported some trades, and got a message about duplicate trade executions being ignored. What are duplicates?

In order to maintain data integrity throughout the import process, even if you accidentally import the same data twice, Tradervue protects against duplicate transactions being imported. Specifically, if during an import, another trade execution exists (from prior to the import) for the same symbol at exactly the same timestamp, it will be flagged as a duplicate.

This isn't perfect - however, it is extremely rare that it would incorrectly flag a trade as a duplicate. The only scenarios are a) a single day's transactions are broken into multiple imports, and that break occurs between two executions at the same timestamp, or b) you import data from multiple accounts, possibly from separate brokers, and they both contain a trade for the same symbol for the exact same timestamp.

If this causes you problems, contact us and we can give you a workaround which will suppress this duplicate detection.

How does the 100 trade per month limit for free users work?

For information about the 100 trades/month limit for free users, see this help page.

When I share a trade, there is a boring gray avatar next to my name. How do I change that?

When you are logged in, click on your username in the header at the top right of the page to edit your account settings. You will see a link there to change your avatar at - click that, and setup your avatar there. is used by many sites, and it allows you to maintain one avatar and use it on many sites, including Tradervue and

I'm nervous about sharing my trades, because I don't want people to see my P&L data. Is there some way I can share my trades without this?

By default, when you share a trade, Tradervue removes your P&L data, and it also removes your number of shares traded. The total volume is removed completely, and on the individual executions, the counts are replaced with either "buy" or "sell". That way, people can see how you traded in and out of a position, but they won't be able to tell how many shares you actually traded or your P&L for the position.

Silver and Gold subscribers have the option to share trades that do include P&L information if they wish. To do this, go to your user settings (click on your username in the header at the top right), and go to the Trade Settings.

I shared a trade, but it's not showing up on the shared trades page. Why not?

Only shared trades with actual execution data will show up on the shared trades page. You can still share trades without executions if you wish, and share that link anywhere you like; the only limitation is it won't show up on the shared trades page or the Tradervue home page.

Is there a way I can put my trades on my blog?

Yes - you can use the Shared Trades Widget to put any group of shared trades on your blog or any other web site.

I had a bunch of trades imported, but now they're gone and I only see a couple of them. What happened?

Most likely you have a filter enabled. On the Trades, Journal, or Reports view, look at the filter bar near the top of the page. If it is green, there is a filter enabled. Clicking "clear" will remove the filter, and the filter bar will turn gray to show that it is inactive.

I'm seeing the message "No data available for the specified time period; please try again in a few minutes" instead of seeing the charts. Why?

This message usually appears immediately after importing new trades, while Tradervue's price database is being updated. This normally happens within 5 minutes or so, and then the message should go away and the charts should be available.

Is there any way I can filter on multiple tags at one time?

Yes. In the filter bar, enter tag1 AND tag2 to require both tags, or enter tag1 OR tag2 to require either tag. Note that the AND or OR must be in all upper case.

How can I delete a trade?

Go to the trade detail page, click the "Advanced" link on the right side just above the list of executions, and then click "Delete Trade." Be careful - you cannot undo this, and if you accidentally delete a trade you will have to re-import it.

Can I delete all of my trades and start over?

You can delete multiple trades using the bulk trade editor, which you can access by clicking the edit icon on the left side of the trades header on the Trades View. See this blog post for more details on the bulk editor.

Be careful - this cannot be un-done. If you accidentally delete your trades, you will have to re-import them to get them back.

How can I split up a trade into two or more trades?

Go to the trade detail page, click the "Advanced" link on the right side just above the list of executions, and then click "Split Trade". Then, on the split trade screen, choose the execution that should be the first of the new trade, and click the Split button. Notes and tags will be copied to both of the new trades. If the original trade was shared, the first trade will remain shared, and the second trade will not be shared unless you explicitly set it as such.

Note that only some of the executions can be selected; this is because you are not allowed to split a trade such that the first of the two resulting trades will be open.

If you do not see a "Split Trade" link after clicking "Advanced", that means the trade cannot be split.

How can I merge multiple trades together into one?

Go to the trade detail page for one of the trades, click the "Advanced" link on the right side just above the list of executions, and then click "Merge Trades". Then, on the merge trade screen, choose the trade you wish to merge with the current trade.

The only trades shown on this screen will be the trades that were immediately before or after the current trade.

After choosing a trade, the trades will be combined together, including their notes and tags.

If you do not see a "Merge Trades" link after clicking "Advanced", that means there are no eligible trades to merge with the current trade.

I imported or deleted some trades, but my running P&L charts didn't update. Why not?

The running P&L charts will update immediately after you import your trades for a particular day; however, they may take up to 10 minutes to update if you then import additional trades for the same day, or if you delete some of your trades for that day.

How can I track commissions and fees?

Refer to the Tracking Commissions and Fees help page.

Does Tradervue handle partial-share transactions?

No. If you import partial-share transactions (from e.g. dividend reinvestments), those transactions will be rounded to the nearest number of whole shares.

What is the "Detailed" report?

The Detailed report displays data for the selected trades, broken up by multiple factors such as instrument, time of day, etc.

You can filter the trades included in this report's calculations by using the global filter bar at the top of the window.

What is the "Win vs Loss Days" report?

The Win vs Loss Days report takes all of your intraday trades, and groups them by the days that you were net positive or net negative for the day. These two groups are then plotted on the same charts, so at a glance you can see what might have been different in your trading on winning vs losing days.

Note that you might certainly have winning trades even on losing days. This report doesn't group by winning and losing trades; rather, it groups by winning or losing days, and shows all of the trades belonging to each group.

You can filter the trades included in this report's calculations by using the global filter bar at the top of the window, with the caveat that only intraday trades will be shown regardless of the global filter's "duration" setting.

What is the "Compare" report?

The Compare report compares any two different groups of trades. You can select a "quick report" to get started with, or build a custom report by building filters in the two gray or green boxes and clicking "Generate Report".

This filter ignores the global filter setting, in favor of the specific filters you set for group 1 and 2.

What is a mentor in Tradervue?

See the Mentoring and Coaching help page for details on these features.

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