If your broker is not directly supported by Tradervue, or you are having trouble importing your data, you may be able to use our generic import format. The data format looks like the following:
A few notes about this data format:
Commissions/Fees: If you are a Gold subscriber, you can import commission and fee data. Simply add columns with the titles "Commission", "TransFee", and "ECNFee" for trade commission, transaction fees, and ECN fees/rebates respectively. For fees, a positive number is a charge, and a negative number is a credit.
Options: If you are a silver or gold subscriber, you can import options. Add a column titled "Option", and add the specific contract name in that column. For example, you can use something like "JAN 12 125 CALL" as the Contract. You must also specify the symbol in the symbol column; options are grouped together with other executions with the same symbol. Here is some example data with both stock and options that will successfully import:
09:35:05,1/5/2012,1,SPY,Buy,1.75,JAN 12 125 CALL
09:52:54,1/5/2012,1,SPY,Sell,1.50,JAN 12 125 CALL
For option assignment and expiration, add rows to your data to reflect what happens. For example, if you had a short option contract that expired worthless, add a row to your data to buy it back on the expiration date for $0.00.
For common index options, use the following underlying symbols: $SPX, $IUXX (for NASDAQ 100), $VIX, and $RUT (Russell 2000). Contact us if there are other index options you are trading, and the symbols you are using are not generating price charts. You can also search for the appropriate index symbols here.
Mini options are supported - the option contract name must end in "M"; for example, "APR26 13 375 PUT M" would be an mini AAPL weekly 375 put, expiring on April 26, 2013.
Excel: One easy way to generate data in the necessary format is using Excel. Start with this simple sample template:
In that spreadsheet, delete the sample data (keep the header), and add your own trade data. When you are ready to import, you don't need to save the data - instead, select all of your data (including the header), then go to Edit/Copy. After you've copied your data, go to the Tradervue import page, select "Generic Import Format" from the list, and paste your data into the box on the left and click Upload.
We are continually working on making this format more robust and able to import data in more different formats. In the meantime, start with a small sample set of data, and if you are able to successfully import, then import the rest!
If you have questions, or are having trouble importing data in the generic format, please let us know.